Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Much Needed Update

After over a year of no updates, I think it's time to start blogging again. Not that I have a following or a large number of blog views, but it will be nice to look back on some day. I am going to try and update it weekly and see how that goes. Anyways.... what's latest with myself? I am currently working for a crew leasing company by the name of IASCO instructing Chinese students how to fly. Does anybody see a trend here? My last job flying was also instructing Chinese. While it's easy to speculate, the facts are that China has a population of over 1.3 billion people, while the US population has somewhere around 307 million people. Since the aviation market in the US has plummeted over the past few years there has been a steady decrease in the number of student pilots, and therefore less clients for myself to teach. Chinese airline companies have realized that it's much more cost effective to train it's students in the United States. This is where I come in, so now I'm instructing Chinese students in Redding, California. I enjoy the job and the perks that go along with it. It's difficult to keep what most Americans like to call a "normal" schedule, but it's perfect for me.

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